What are the dividend payment dates?

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What are the dividend payment dates?

Messaggiodi doaausef3li » 26/02/2024, 7:58

Most companies follow unified strategies for distributing stock dividends semi-annually, while others distribute their profits on a quarterly basis. In order to be able to gain profits from the company, you must have owned the company’s shares for no less than 3 business days, specifically before the profit distribution times.
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If you buy those shares one day before the dividends are distributed, you will not be able to get those dividends.
For example: A company that distributes its dividends on the 26th of March must have shares owned by you in the company before the 23rd of March, which is called the last day of trading.
Messaggi: 29
Iscritto il: 28/08/2022, 22:12

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